Katie Salen


Katie Salen is the executive director of the Institute of Play, and associate professor in design and technology at Parsons The New School for Design. Co-author of several books, Rules of Play and the Game Design Reader, editor of Ecology of Games: Connecting Youth, Media, and Learning, she is co-editor of the International Journal of Learning and Media (all MIT Press). Katie was a lead designer on Gamestar Mechanic, a game about game design, and has designed big games, slow games, and game-like experiences for audiences of all types. She is currently leading a project to design a new 6th–12th grade public school in New York City centered on principles of game-like learning, and is also collaborating with David Birchfield of Arizona State University to develop an approach to game design and embodied play within a math, science, health, and wellness curriculum for middle school students.

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